Pros and Cons of an Open House in Charlotte | Greenville Home Buyers

There are many things you can do to sell your Charlotte property fast. And it’s a combination of these many things that will inevitably sell your house quicker. You will want to implore a strategy that really works and doesn’t waste any time.

Is an Open House right for your Charlotte home? Will it be worth the time and energy? In this blog, we will review the pros and cons of an open house so you can decide if it’s right for you. Make sure to follow these steps to sell your house with as little hick ups as possible.

Pros and Cons of an Open House in Charlotte


More Exposure

The fact is, you may not get a buyer from the open house itself. In fact, more houses are sold via private showings. However, when you are trying to sell, you should let as many people know about the property as possible. Your nosy neighbor could wander in from off the street. Sure, they aren’t buying for themselves, but they might know someone who is. The idea of “picking” your neighbors will be appealing to many people. Having an open house is a great way to give your house exposure. More people seeing your home will never be a bad thing.

A Nice Environment for Buyers

An Open House usually brings in all types of people. Some people simply love seeing homes. Others are ready to make an offer on the spot. But what most people love, is that they are typically able to walk around the house without any high-pressure sales. This gives them the chance to get a feel for the property and the ability to imagine themselves living there. While a private showing is more one-on-one, an Open House will allow buyers to look around at their own pace without feeling rushed.



Most sellers stay away during an open house. It can be awkward for everyone. You probably don’t want to watch people judging every detail of your home. Buyers do not want to feel as if they are intruding upon you, nor do they want to feel as if you are breathing down their necks. They are also afraid to really discuss the property with the realtor in fear of offending the owner. You will need to get the house spotless and then hit the road. You should plan to be away for a few hours. Cleaning, staging, leaving and wondering who is walking through your house can be very stressful!

Most houses get sold during a private viewing

Motivated sellers will either see a house that they like and ask the realtor to set up a private viewing. This is also beneficial because the agent will already have the buyer prequalified, or else the realtor would not show the house to that buyer. You don’t have to feel that having an open house is a must to sell your house fast. You will most likely sell your house with a private showing. The buyer will be motivated and prequalified.

Security Issues

Speaking of people walking through your home, the idea of it can be a little scary! Thieves can take advantage during an open house, so make sure valuables are locked away. Put away all personal items, so nothing goes missing. People will also use an Open House as a chance to stake out the property. If this idea really bothers you, it may not be a good idea to invest in a nanny cam or even more visible cameras in your house to deter any possible thefts. They may not be as eager to rob a house that may have their face on camera.  Most agents have an eye for these types, but some people choose to send a friend in to drop by to make sure everything is going well.

Dealing With Unqualified Buyers

An open house will attract anyone and everyone. Nosy neighbors or just nosy people up to no good. You might have people off the street, walking in and attempting a verbal offer. Getting offers from unqualified buyers can waste everyone’s time. Statistically only about 2-3% of homes get sold via open house. Most likely the viewers are not qualified for the house or may be mothers looking for their sons. Make sure your agent knows to only get offers from individuals who have been pre-qualified.

Holding an open house is part of a much larger strategy. Many agents hold an open house to help increase their own exposure. And while it may not sound like it, this can be very good for you. A Realtor who knows how to market themselves and who has a lot of connections will likely be able to draw a crowd for your home. Any exposure of your property can be beneficial, just don’t expect a ton of legitimate written offers on the day of. Don’t rely solely on an open house, but do appreciate an agent who is utilizing ALL resources to sell your home.

Are you thinking about selling your Charlotte house? Find out what our team can do for you! Send us a message or give us a call now! (864) 991-3275

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