4 Things You Should Know About Selling Your Own House in Greenville

Thinking about selling your house yourself? There are many reasons why you might want to do that! But just because it might make financial sense to do so, are you aware of all the ins and outs involved? Read this blog post to learn the 4 things you should know about selling your own house in Greenville.

Selling your home. Sure, a lot of people get a real estate agent to help but is that really necessary? If you want to save money on commission and also have more control over the process then you might want to sell your house by yourself. Here are:

4 Things You Should Know About Selling Your Own House In Greenville

#1. You Should Make Your Home Market Ready

As a seller, it’s your job to make sure the house is as attractive to buyers as possible. That means, you should walk through the house as if you were a buyer and decide what a buyer might want.

For example, if buyers in your neighborhood want houses that are finished and move-in-ready then you might need to make sure all the little work (such as baseboards and light switches) are present.

Or maybe your buyers want a house that has a beautiful backyard then you need to think about installing a deck and putting in some landscaping.

#2. Start Marketing!

One of the key secrets to selling your house is to get lots of buyers walking through, and to do that you need to market your house.

There are many places you can do that – from local websites to bulletin boards at the grocery store, and from social media to a sign on the corner. Get the word out and start getting buyers in.

#3. Be Prepared To Negotiate

As a seller you want a higher price, and buyers want to pay a lower price. So, if you are selling your house yourself, you need to do what the agent does – and try to find the right price that makes both parties happy. Therefore, some negotiation skills are necessary.

#4. Understand The Paperwork

Selling a house requires some paperwork – including contracts and disclosure statements, and perhaps other documents depending on where in SC you’re planning to sell. So make sure you understand what paperwork is required.


Want to sell your house yourself? That’s a bold step but it can save you some money on commissions. If so, then the 4 things you should know about selling your own house in Greenville include: making your home market ready, marketing actively, negotiating, and understanding the paperwork.

If all of that process turns out to be more work or hassle than you want, you have another option to sell – you can always sell your house to us here at Greenville Home Buyers. We are professional buyers and we can make an offer to buy your house right away.

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